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Planning Board Minutes 10/25/04
Planning Board Minutes
October 25th, 2004
Chilmark Town Hall

In attendance: Mitch Posin, Richard Osnoss, Edward (Tip) Kenyon, William Meegan-Chair, Russell Walton, John Flender and Deborah Cini.

Absent: Annabel Dietz

William Meegan opened the meeting at 4:30 p.m.

William made a point to place on the agenda to discuss the agenda for the All Island Planning Board meeting.

Minutes from October 12, 2004 meeting were discussed and approved with amendments.

Minutes from September 13, 2004 were reviewed and it was decided to wait and ask Rob McCarron to clarify them when he arrives. The minutes were tabled.

William Meegan asked if Deborah Cini could ask Tom Wilson about worksheets for the up coming budget planning.

The letter from Doug Cabral in response to the Planning Board letter was discussed. It was decided that the Planning Board could do nothing further and a copy of the letter is to be sent to Mr. Tim Eaton.

Russell Walton brought up the Rate of Development discussion that he had with Lenny Jason the building inspector. Discussion ensued and it was decided that the following procedure is to be followed. A letter is also to be written to Walter Meinelt that included this procedure.

1.      The Mayhew- South road subdivision was approved on December 8th, 2003.
2.      The ordinary rate of development for an area less than ten lots is one dwelling per year. This would mean one dwelling each in 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, and 2007.
3.      One of the provisions of the Rate of Development (7G) would allow an extra lot in each of the two first years. If the Homesite Lot had been transferred already, this would mean two lots released for 2003, two for 2004, and the last in 2005.
4.      The accelerated rate will not be triggered until the transfer to a “qualified” buyer is at least in process or completed.

5.      The lot must have an accepted well and approved septic plan. At that point, a “qualified” buyer must go to the Zoning Board of Appeals for a Special Permit to build a house on the (undersized) lot. If you want, you may pick a person from the list of “qualified” persons or you may allow the Housing Committee to do a “lottery” selection.
6.      The Homesite lot itself is exempt from the building cap and Rate of Development bylaws. Awarding it will not slow the progress of your development.

Robert McCarron representing the Kloss Family Trust for Real Estate presented a Form F covenant release. Robert McCarron reminded the Planning Board that they had signed a Form F before for the Kloss Estate. Robert McCarron is requesting a release on lot #1. This would allow the sale of the property with out a well and septic plan on file with the town. The Planning Board after discussion decided to ask a letter be written from the buyer (Mr. P. Roy Vagelos and Diana T. Vagelos) stating that they are buying lot #1 at their own risk.  Rob McCarron asked the indulgence of the Planning Board to keep the form F on file until a letter is received and is to the Planning Boards satisfaction.

Robert McCarron also agreed to answer questions regarding the Sylvia McAlpin Revocable Trust from September 13, 2004. The questions were as follows:
1.      Do the minutes reflect what happened with the form A?
2.      Is there a cap on the amount of cars allowed on the road and in the parking lot (larger parcel #4)?

The answers were yes the minutes reflect what happened with the form A. Also there is a cap on the number of cars allowed on the road and in the parking lot (larger parcel #4).

The minutes from September 13, 2004 were approved with the amendment that there is a cap on the number of cars allowed on the road and in the parking lot.

The Planning Board had no comment on the recent ZBA decisions regarding. Hamermesh, Jeffers, Waitzkin, Town of Chilmark, Urban, or Abutters vs. Tea Lane Nursery.

The Planning Board had no comment on the upcoming ZBA meeting petitioners. ZBA meeting date is November 9, 2004.

McGlade 5 Four Winds Lane.
Cotton 23 South Ridge Road
Foster 49 Squibnocket Farm Road
Wiesner 37 Middle Road
J. Carlin Abutter to Edwin Cohen East Lane, Stonewall Beach.

No comment regarding the Town Accountants Monthly Report.

MVC 30th anniversary on November 5th 6:30p.m. – no comment

MVC notices- no comment

MVC – All Island Planning Board meeting on November 11, 2004-created agenda at next meeting.

Richard Osnoss stated that he would be away on October 29th, 2004.

All Town Board meeting on November 17th, 2004 at 7:30p.m. Questions were raised about what we should have done and what we should do next time. Also if there are any questions with Housing Committee ( Molly Flender) regarding the Rate of Development/Homesite bylaw to determine a better sequence.

Mitch Posin and Russell Walton, Richard Osnoss, Tip Kenyon, paid for their share of flowers for Bea.

Meeting adjourned at 6:30p.m.